
14 May 2022 - 10am - 2pm

A Sandplay Workshop

Hidden Treasures
Working with Creative Tools in therapy

Workshop Leader: Kitty Willis

This workshop will be experiential and give you the opportunity to hone your skills and experience sandplay yourself.

Kitty Willis

Kitty is an Integrative Psychotherapist and supervisor, who uses creative media in both her client work and supervision. She has had a passion for sandplay work since 2001, when she trained in it. She has an MA in Child, Adolescent and Family Therapy. 


10-2 Wallops Parish Hall, SO20 8EG




Parking available.  There is a train to Grateley station.  Can be met.  (See location click above) 

If you are interested in learning more, please contact Kitty.

Kitty Willis on Mob: 07810 461779 or email :